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“My candle burns at both ends. It will not last the night. But ah! My foes and oh! My friends. It gives a lovely light.”


-Roald Dahl

Photo by: Allie Golt

Golt, AR, Wood LJ. 2021. Glyphosate-based herbicides alter the reproductive morphology of Rosa acicularis (prickly rose). Frontiers in Plant Science – Functional Plant Ecology. Manuscript Accepted, May 24, 2021. Manuscript ID #698202.


Botten, N. Wood LJ. 2021. Glyphosate remains in forest plant tissues for a decade or more. Forest Ecology and Management 493 (1).

Briere, B., Wood, LJ., Kirby, B., Botten, N. 2020. Sensitivity of non-target annual plants to glyphosate-based herbicide, according to growth form. Canadian Journal of Pesticides and Pesticide Management. doi:10.34195/can.j.ppm.2020.02.002

Timms, K., Wood, LJ. 2020. Sub-lethal glyphosate disrupts photosynthetic efficiency and leaf morphology in fruit-producing plants, red raspberry (Rubus idaeus) and highbush cranberry (Viburnum edule). Global Ecology and Conservation 2351-9894/© 2020


Ivanusic, A., Wood, LJ, Lewis, K. 2020. Structural carbon allocation and wood growth reflect climate variation in stands of hybrid white spruce in central interior British Columbia, Canada. Forests 11(8), 879;


Klesse, S, DeRose, RJ, Babst, F, Black, BA, Anderegg, LDL,  Axelson, J, Ettinger, A, Griesbauer, H, Guiterman, CH, Harley,G, Harvey, JE, Lo, Y-H, Lynch, AM, O'Connor, C, Restaino, C, Sauchyn, D, Shaw, JD, Smith, DJ, Wood, L, Villanueva-Díaz, J, Evans, MEK. 2020. Continental‐scale tree‐ring‐based projection of Douglas‐fir growth: Testing the limits of space‐for‐time substitution. Global Change Biology 26 (9)

Wood, LJ. 2019. The presence of glyphosate in forest plants with different life strategies one-year after application.Canadian Journal of Forest Research 49(6): 586-594.

Wood, LJ, Smith DJ, Hartley, ID. 2016. Predicting softwood quality attributes from climate data in interior British Columbia, Canada. Forest Ecology and Management 361: 81-89.


Wood, LJ, Smith DJ. 2014. Intra-annual dendroclimatic reconstruction for northern British Columbia, Canada, using wood properties. Trees: Structure and Function. 29 (2): 461-474. DOI: 10.1007/s00468-014-1124-9


Wood, LJ, Smith DJ. 2012. Climate and glacier mass balance trends from AD 1780 to present in the Columbia Mountains, British Columbia, Canada. The Holocene 23(5): 739-748.


Wood, LJ, Smith DJ, Demuth, M. 2011. Extending the Place Glacier Mass Balance Record to AD 1585, Using Tree-Rings and Wood Density. Quaternary Research 76 (3): 305-313.

(Pinus contorta) from British Columbia. Wood and Fiber Science 41 (4): 386-395.


Wood, LJ, Hartley ID, Watson, P. 2009. Determining hybridization in Jack Pine (Pinus banksiana) and lodgepole pine



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